The Facilitators:
Jenny Mackewn:
I have facilitated and catalysed breakthrough in many different groups and contexts. I love the continuous creative challenge of discovering what is needed in each unique situation. And I look forward to supporting you to try out new approaches and develop your own unique power as facilitators and catalysts of the Work that Reconnects and other similarly deepening processes.
For a decade I have run a popular, year-long Facilitation Course for the School of Management at Bath University; a specialist Training for facilitators in the Work that Reconnects; Creative Catalyst Training in many organizations; Intensive Trainings in Systemic Constellations - as well as writing on Facilitation as a form of Action Enquiry and Creative Methods of facilitation. I am also a Transition Trainer and was recently part of a team leading the first Transition Training in France. I am a creative consultant with the nowhere group, facilitator, organizational consultant, author, friend, grandmother and continuous learner.
Chris Johnstone:
I have been involved in facilitating the Work That Reconnects and similar workshops for over thirty years, working with Joanna Macy many times in this. By background I trained in medicine and worked as a group therapist in an NHS addictions treatment team over many years. I’ve trained in a wide range of transformative psychological processes and now focus on writing, training and coaching. I’m co-author, with Joanna Macy, of Active Hope: how to face the mess we’re in without going crazy. My new book, published in April 2019, is Seven Ways to Build Resilience. I have websites at (personal), (the online college I run), and
Kirsti Norris:
Kirsti launched Action for Sustainability in 2008 to support organisations on their sustainability journeys. Recent projects include designing a carbon neutral strategy; advising on CSR strategies; designing positive sustainable behaviour programmes; sustainability auditing; and academic conference design and facilitation. Kirsti’s particular expertise is in facilitating events that allow delegates to engage deeply with complex issues. In 2013 Kirsti co-authored Embedding Sustainability into Teaching, Learning and Curriculum for the Learning and Skills Improvement Service. In the same year her writing was selected for publication by Vala in Stories of the Great Turning. She has a website at